Photographs I've gleaned from flea markets, junk shops and sometimes ebay. The cheaper the better. Anything with a story that can be extracted from hand written notes, location research, local histories, census records......anything. A small band of fellow enthusiasts worldwide have helped me with many of these. Of course there are always mysteries that defy research, but there's even a story inside these. All images can be viewed at super-size on Flickr.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

British army. Palestine. WW1

British soldiers. Palestine WW1

I have come across parts of this collection previously. It appears to show the same platoon (no.11), probably the machine gun corps,  in action in Palestine.

 "No. 11 Platoon" British soldiers. Machine gun corps? Palestine WW1 Machine gun practice. British soldiers. Machine gun corps. Palestine WW1 British soldiers. Palestine WW1


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